– My Singing World, for any 2 voice chorus with piano or organ. Individual pieces added as single songs. See list in 1981.
– My Singing World, 3-5 octave handbell choir collection sold as individual pieces of music
101 – A Singing World
102 – Now the Sun is in the Sky
103 – Jesus, Loving Shepherd
104 – The Earth Was Green
105 – How Far is it to Bethlehem?
106 – Welcome, Golden Rose
107 – When Jesus Christ Was Four Years Old
108 – The Lord’s Name be Praised
109 – Quiet Beauty
110 – Dandelion Dance
– England, Scotland, Wales concert tour with Music Alive and the Nith Valley Singers.
– Rogers Cable TV video taping for broadcast across Canada of We Are The Future, a collection of 9 pieces for children performed by The Singing Children of New Hamburg and the Kidz Choir of the Music Alive Choral Organization.
– Lied, Kling Hinaus, Concordia Choirs TV show recorded by Rogers Cable TV.
– Brushed by the Wings of an Angel, for SATB chorus, soprano solo, descant and piano.
– How Great Thou Art, for three octave handbell choir with optional voice or recorder
– It is Well With My Soul, for three octave handbell choir with optional voice accompaniment
– King’s Crowns and Shepherd’s Crooks, for SATB chorus
– Make a Joyful Noise Unto God All Ye Lands, for two octave handbell choir. Commissioned by Gerald Ziegler for his Forest Glen School Handbell Choir in New Hamburg Ontario.
– Rhythms of Earth, for SSAATB chorus, string quintet and piano. Written for the 10th anniversary of the Nith Valley Singers in New Hamburg Ontario.
– Saturday Night Barn Dance, for four octave handbell choir with optional instrumental ensemble
– She’s Like the Swallow, for two octave or four octave handbell choir with optional voice or recorder
– The Greatest of These is Love, for SATB chorus and piano. Written for my wife Dana for our wedding as well as the 50th anniversary of Dana’s parents Gale and Bud Thiessen who renewed their vows at our wedding ceremony.
– The Island Enchantress, for SATB chorus, 3 handbell choirs (beginner, intermediate and advanced choirs), narrator and orchestra for the 11th Handbell Symposium in Adelaide Australia.
– We Are the Future, A collection of children’s pieces for unison and optional second voice and piano. Words and Melody by Lynne Hovey. Prepared and Arranged by Alfred Kunz.
We Are the Future
Sing, Shout, Clap
My Fam’ly
Father God
The Child
His Name
Silent Sun
Fly Above
– Welcome the Angels, for SSATB chorus, children’s descant and piano. Based on the tune of Von Himmel Hoch (From Heaven Above).
– What Child Is This?, for SSA/Men and piano