– Sold-out performance of Music Alive at Kitchener’s Centre In The Square.
– Concordia Choirs, 6-country European Tour.
– Candlelight Children’s Vigil, Centre In The Square.
– Received Kitchener-Waterloo Arts Award in the Open category, presented September 27, 1990 at the 10th Anniversary Gala, Centre In The Square.
– Praesident’s Konzert, opening weekend of Oktoberfest, Centre In The Square with Music Alive, Joshua Singers and Schonach Band from Germany.
– Liebeslied, commissioned by the German Canadian Choir Association for their 18th annual Singing Festival in Stratford ON.
– Psalm 42, Appalachian folk melody for SATB chorus and piano. Orchestral arrangement also available.
– The Old Man, for SATB chorus and piano. Orchestral arrangement also available.
– Caribbean Carol, for SATB chorus, glute, violin, piano, double bass, guitar and percussion.